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» I Just Don't Get It
I Just Don't Get It
What is the appeal of Jay Leno? I always found him to be very obvious like he is using jokes that he swept up off the floor after closing time at the comedy club. Frankly I didn't see what the big deal was when he left the 'Tonight Show' or was forced out so that Conan O'Brian could screw up that time slot. I was always a David Letterman guy myself. I like my late night comics to have more of an edge. But I watched his first show at the ten o'clock time slot last night. It was hyped like it was the next great innovation in television but I found it to really be 'Tonight Show Lite'. The monologue is the same, Kevin still laughs at the lame jokes the same only NOW they have the audience rush Jay at the beginning like he is some rock star leaving the club. With all that hand holding and touching during swine flu season he is gonna need a vat of Purel to stay alive. Also I hope they frisk the 'moshpitters' or he is taking a shank before the month is up. This 'innovation' is suppose to save the network the cost of having to produce an hour long drama which are popular in that time slot. One of two things will happen. There will be more quality shows finding their way on the networks because competition for the time slot will drive up quality or everything will get watered down as people dislike seeing the blood and sex of say an 'ER' like show at the earlier 9PM time slot. HBO doesn't show movies anymore anyways but they can only take up so much of the slack. Stupid network suits. You know Jay bullied a bunch of them into giving him that ten pm slot but he forgets that its not the 1950s anymore and he is not Ed Sullivan. There are no Beatles to be introduced and anything new he shows has already premiered on the 'net' days or weeks earlier. Its unbelievable luck that he has Kanye West booked the day after that knucklehead went off his nut on the VMA's. HEY...you don't think that was all pre-arranged do you? OH JAY...you mess with the gods of television and they will crush you. Mark my word and that word is 'shenanigans'. Well when this all goes bad for you and your ratings have you off the air by Christmas you have no one to blame but yourself. I called it. What do you all think?