Why is it that famous people I like are dying off in record numbers these days? Its like Jackson was a gimmee that made me think that it all balanced out in the end. How does a Patrick Swayze die but a Dick Cheney lives forever?
How about starting a restaurant called SHENANIGANS where people order but they are brought something different? The price would be the same but you would never know what you would be getting? And they would make lots of sauces with peanuts but not tell people that. So when someone goes into anaphylactic shock it would be a surprise. Then they ring a bell and free desserts for everyone? (For those of you WITH a allergy to peanuts I am just goofing around. The lawyers would never let that be a policy at the restaurant)
How messed up a country is Iraq? US troops shot and killed a guy who threw a shoe at them the day that journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi was released after NINE MONTHS in jail for throwing a shoe at George W Bush. Who gets NINE MONTHS for throwing a shoe? What kind of dickhead country or person thinks that is reasonable? I could overlook the whole footwear chucking custom but to find out you have to serve time after walking home in your socks is too much. Time to bomb that place, pave it and start from scratch. Opps..too late. I am sorry but I live in Canada. You throw your boot at someone and you lose several toes the next day from the frostbite. Reason 245 why I could never live in the Middle East. Idiot customs and unreasonable people. Its a SHOE...get a fricken grip.
Do you remember a time when the opening credits to a TV show were at least a half minute long. They used to have nearly full songs to introduce the actors and the setting and the basic situation. Who doesn't know the words to the 'Brady Bunch' song? Today you are lucky if they are five seconds. I am not complaining mind you but I bring it up to make a point. I watched 'Ruby and the Rockits' tonight from ABC Family. Not a bad little sitcom with Alexa Vega as Ruby. She is nearly unrecognizable as the girl from the two SPY KIDS movies. David and Patrick Cassidy are in it and the episode I watched had Shirley Jones playing his mother (type casting). But that is not the point. The OPENING is like five minutes long. And all it is is the characters dancing about while young Miss Vega sings the theme song...the ENTIRE theme song. I thought I messed up and downloaded a video. What the hell? It just went on and on and on and then on some more. And what is with David Cassidy's voice? If that is him acting..STOP IT NOW. If not, see a throat specialist. There is something there that needs removal.
How great was it that Obama called Kayne West a jackass? In a month full of Serena Williams and her little tantrum and Joe Wilson and his rude outburst FINALLY someone called it right. The loss of common courtesy is rampant in western culture (at least we aren't throwing shoes at each other so we are a BIT more advanced) and we need to get back some civility. When a thoroughly decent man like President Jimmy Carter feels he has to make a public pronouncement about the issue then we all know we have found the line and crossed it.