I was planning this award for Kayne West but thankfully he has not been around since his douchebag performance at the VMA's and the Leno show so I will save my hateful indignation about him for another time. However, Carrie Prejean gets no such consideration. Its not ONE thing but its the entirety of her existence that I protest since seeing her on TV today reinterating the moronic balloon juice she spreads about being discriminated against for her 'religious beliefs'. Yeh, you poor thing. You are young, blond, thin and pass for attractive with your artificial enhancements and you are worried about living in a world that hates you for your beliefs. Yeh I am sure that Bin Laden has you on his bomb radar just because you don't wear the beekeeper's outfit and believe in your 'opposite marriage'. We hate you because you are stupid and have a feeling of persecution and entitlement you hypocrite. You weren't fired because you stood up for your beliefs (unless your beliefs are based on not fulfilling the conditions of your contract) but for your bratty behavior and lies about being photographed while you were not looking. But don't worry. There will be lots of MARRIED right wing family values loons that will smile at you and tell you that your are right and wonderful ONLY because they want to get in your pants. The best thing is that they will say this to you while their stepford wives are standing right next to them and while they are starring at your oh so 'naturally formed' body. What really clinched this award for her today was the fact that she believes that GOD 'chose her for this moment'. What moment? The moment to have a pretty face to attach all forms or racism and bigotry to or the future moment when she shuts the hell up. What would Jesus do? He would come down to Earth to present this award to her in person. So fuck you Carrie Prejean and congratulations. You are the third recipient of the Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool Silver Bullet Award. Take it into the bathroom with you and use it after you throw up the diner you just ate at the latest Republican fundraiser.